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by Dana Lloyd

Download a Better Version of Yourself

Updated: Jan 27, 2020

January is one of the best months of the year. Yes, I said it! Deep in the cold of winter, the words, January 1st, sets off a firework display of words such as Beginnings, Resolutions, Begin Again, Opportunity, and Change. For a Leadership Coach, th

ese words are music to my ears. You made another trip around the sun! It is a time to celebrate, reflect and grow.

January signals a new beginning presenting you with a choice - stay the status quo or change. I own an iphone. Every few months there is an new version of software I must download to make my phone run better. Like a smart phone, January offers you the opportunity to get a new download, to become a better version of yourself.

Downloads require change, a slight tweaking.

Where have you been wanting to change?

What have you been meaning to get to? Your Health? A Relationship? Being organized? Trying something new?

Life is a balance of being and doing. When you decide to achieve something, whether it is a weight loss goal or a business target, you will likely need to become an updated version of yourself in order to achieve it. You may need to become more committed, consistent, or educated on the topic. You know yourself best. You get to decide who you want to become.

January is said to be named after the Latin word for door making January the door to the new year. Your life is what you make it. The quality of your life is dependent on how you show up. What you are willing to do? Who do you need to become? Make January the door to the new year. Your life is what you make it. The quality of your life is dependent on how you show up.

What you are willing to do?

Who do you need to become?

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